The Opposite of Trading

I’ve always been the strong one and so I have never learned how to be weak. I’ve always been the shoulder to lean on and so I have never learned how to lean. I’ve always been the one to help and so I have never learned how to get help. I’ve always been the one to give advice and so I have never learned how to take it. I’ve always put up so many walls and closed my heart to everything. I’ve always shut out my feelings. I’ve always suppressed my emotions and I thought doing all of this made me strong. I thought being stoic was how warriors were supposed to be. As I’ve grown older I have realized that this is not what strength consists of, but what fear consists of. As I’ve grown older I have realized that if I keep it up, I’m going to break like a dam. As I’ve grown older I have realized that it is okay to feel and to love and to forgive and that closing off one’s emotions will not build strength but will build stress. Over that last few weeks and months I have experienced things that have finally broken that dam and I have now realized that it is okay to experience that side of me that I always shut out in the past. Over the last few weeks and months I have realized that In life real warriors do not suppress their feelings but instead attack them straight on. I refuse to be a robot. I will no longer be stoic. Instead I will grab life with both hands and I will experience every breath of emotion because at the end of the day I am not a robot: I am human.